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Kurs:Science, Technology and Society /Community

Aus Wikiversity


(Marsden & Oetting on Co-Marketing & Co-Innovation)

(Jeff Howe's Blog on outsourcing work to users)

(Lev Cribb on consumers and businesses working together)

(Eric Schonfeld on Co-creation & Web 2.0)

(Marsden & Oetting on Co-Marketing & Co-Innovation)

(Chris Lawer on User Innovation)

(Ulla-Maaria Mutanen on Crafting & Makers)

(The Innertee Crew on Custom T-Shirts & More)

(User Hacks & User Innovation)

(Pete Cashmore on Web 2.0)

(Michel Bauwens on Peer Production Strategies)

(John Winsor on Co-Creation)

(Michael Osofsky on innovation, practice and theory)

(Blog around Howard Rheingold's book on pervasive computing and collective action)

(Chris Anderson ueber Mikrosegmentierung und Heterogenisierung der Nachfrage)