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Business Card[Bearbeiten]

Business Card

John Inkognito Steuerparadies plc.

contact: john.inkognito(at)steuerparadie.com mobile: 0151 777777

Conference Drinks Party[Bearbeiten]

Q: So, who do you work for ?

A: I work for the company Steuerparadies plc.. A global player in turning islands in tax haven.

Q: And what do you do there ?

A: At the moment I am a networker. My company want to buy some islands from failed states. With the suprime crisis, luck is on our side. We hope to get some islands from the Greek and the Iceland government. Our help is the only solution to get out of this crisis.

Q: Where are you based ?

A: Our headquarter is located in Jersey. We love the professional atmosphere and the talented people around us: accountants, banker, advocates and analysts.

Q: How is your business ?

A: Quite fine. We are expanding. If we are succeeding with our rescue plan for Iceland and the Greeks. We will gain much more controll over the international money stream.

Q: Can I get you a drink ?

A: No, thanks. I like to be dry. I am a networker. So, the first impression is very important that I leave to other people. Can I get you a drink ?

Q: Where are you from originally ?

A: I am born in the Alaska, USA. But later we moved to UK. I got two passports. Very useful. In dangerous times, the US and the British government always protect their citizens. I plan to get a third citizenship. I think to be a canadian will be fine.

Q: Is this your first time in Paris ?

A: No. I lived in Paris in my student days.

Q: How are you enjoying the conference ?

A: I am happy to meet so many known faces here. I also get the aquantainces of a few new interesting people.

Q: Are you giving a presentation ?

A: Yes. I am talking about the suprime crisis and our solution for it.

Q: Do you know many people here ?

A: Some people are my golf partners and competitors in my local golf club. Most people are my colleagues who I know from other conferences.

Q: So, where are you staying ?

A: I am staying at VIP Planet Hotel. I like being around the majority of the other conference participants.

Q: Can I get you anything from the buffet ?

A: Yes. O, I see an interessting person at the buffet. Let's go there together. I am introducing him to you.

Topic: Application, p. 21 No. 4[Bearbeiten]

A businessman wanted to interview applicants for the position of divisional manager. There were several strong candidates, so he decided to devise a simple test to select the most suitable person for the job. He asked each applicant the simple question, 'What is two and two?'

The first applicant was a journalist. He lighted a cigarette,.....thinking for a moment and then said 'twenty-two'.

The second applicant had a degree in engineering. He took out his calculator pressed a few buttons, and showed the answer to be between 3.999 and 4.001.

The next applicant worked as a corporate lawyer. He stated that two and two could only be four, and proved it by referring to the well-known case of Gates v Monopolies Commission.

The last applicant turned out to be an accountant. The businessman again put his question, 'What is two and two?' The accountant got up from his chair, went over to the door, closed it, then came back and sat down. Finally, he leaned across the desk and whispered in a low voice, 'How much do you want it to be?'

Curriculum vitae[Bearbeiten]

Mike McMillian

Musterstrasse 7

Tel. +49 7720 39060
Mobile: +49 163 3423432
Email: mike@mcmillian.info


To obtain a position as salesmanager in India


2009 - present Universität zu Köln, Germany: International Study Programme taugt in English, graduated with a MBA. Major: Multikultural Marketing
1998 - 2008 Humanistisches Gymnasium: Hamburg, Germay. Qualification: Abitur (advanced school-leaving certificate)


May 2008 - May 2009 Marketing Department of the Marketing startup Rheinschafe, Essen
June - July 2008 Internship with testschmecker.de


German Fluent in speaking and writing (C1 levelproficient user)
English Native language
Hindi Intermediate level (approx. 5000 words speaking/writing)


Negotiating, Human Ressource Management, Member of Deutsche Gesellscahft für Projektmanagement e.V., Diversity Management


Editor Pflichtlektüre Editor Schülerzeitung tacheles


travelling, climbing, music events

References available on request

Cover Letter[Bearbeiten]

Musterstrasse 7
45127 Essen

14th October 2009

Judith Jolie
Human Resources Department
JA! Chocolate
45128 Essen

Re: Advertisement for a Salemanager for India, Rheinische Post, 12.10.2009

Dear Ms Jolie,

Bob Garner, one of your colleagues, recommended I contact you concerning my desire to work for your sales department in India.

I have six months experience on marketing campaigns for the product Milka. In my college days, I majored in Marketing, and interned in a marketing startup Rheinschafe in Essen.

Now the startup is behind the seed phase. And I am searching for a new opportunity to challenge myself. I think my experience in the turbulent days of the survive struggle of a young marketing startup will guide me in another culture.

I serve in India in a peasant project during my Civilian service, so I am acquantained with the country and the people in Kerala. I also got some basic phrases and idioms of Hindi from these days.

I will like an opportunity to talk further. I will follow up soon, in hope to arranging a time to meet.

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,

Mike McMillian