Let be a commutative ring and let be an ideal generated by finitely many elements . The free resolution of the residue class ring is the exact complex
This resolution goes
(unless has finite projective dimension) on forever, but we can break it up to obtain the exact complex
where the module is just defined to be the kernel of the -module-homomorphism
This kernel consists exactly of the syzygies for these elements, hence it is called
(the first) syzygy module. This module can be already quite complicated, however, we can make the following observation. Let us fix one , say , and look at the induced sequence over the localization . As localization is an exact functor, we still get an exact sequence, and since , the ideal contains now a unit and therefore we have , so we can rewrite the induced sequence as
We claim that we have an -module isomorphism
by sending the -th standard vector
(the stands at the th position).
This is obviously well-defined, since is a unit in , and evidently the given tuple is a syzygy. If is a syzygy, then is a preimage, since it is mapped under this homomorphism to
Hence we have a surjection. The injectivity follows immediately by looking at the components to in the syzygy.
This means that the syzygy module when restricted to the open subset
(viewed as an -module) is free of rank , and the same holds for all . Hence the syzygy module restricted to the open subset
has the property that there exists a covering by open subsets such that the restrictions to these open subsets are free modules. In general, the syzygy module is not free as an -module nor as an -module on . The above given explicit isomorphism on
(such an isomorphism is called a local trivialization of on ) uses that is a unit, hence this can not be extended to give an isomorphism on .
On the intersection
as well as
are units, hence the above isomorphisms
(let's call them on and on )
induce two different isomorphisms on between
and We can connect them to get an isomorphism
which is given by the
(over )
invertible -matrix