Kurs:Digital Currency/Seminare

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Micropayment - Datenspuren 2011 Micropayment

Jeder Cent zählt

In dem Vortrag wird auf die Wichtigkeit und Dynamik eines funktionierenden Micropayment-Systems eingegangen. Und es werden die Fragen geklärt: Warum wir noch kein Micropayment haben? Und wer davon profitiert? Anschließend erfolgt eine längere Diskussionsrunde.

Mit dem Begriff Micropayment wird heutzutage immer mehr Schindluder betrieben. Nicht jedes E-Payment ist für die Überweisung von Cent-Beträgen geeignet. Noch weniger rentabel, und noch weniger transparent. Das Thema wird grob umrissen und die fundamentalen Fehler in der Herangehensweise aufgezeigt.

Sprecher: Toni Dinges LectureID: 4602 Event: Datenspuren 2011 Beginn: 15.10.2011 18:00:00 +02:00 Lizenz: CC-by-nc-sa

Rebooting Of Money Podcast introduce you to Bitcoin. Transcript is availaible.
Bitcoin - An Analysis Bitcoin - An Analysis

Bitcoin is the first distributed, digital currency. It received a lot of attention recently as it questions the state monopoly to issue legal tender. It relies on distributed proof-of-work concepts to ensure money-like characteristics.

The existence and potential widespread use of such a distributed, non-centralized, non-regulated currency questions the ability of governments to control money supply, issue debt, and tax its populace.

Transactions in bitcoin form a publicly accessible network of economic relations, which can be extracted from the transaction history available to all users in the P2P-network of bitcoin.

Using re-identification algorithms it is possible to attack the proposed anonymity of users. While this is already an interesting security issue, the insight into a real-world economic experiment allows for the first time the empirical test of community structures in such social networks, which is definitely more substantial than the "I-like"-network in facebook and the like.

In this presentation, we show results on network analysis of the money flow, the behavior of individuals, and the overall scalability of P2P-currencies. At the same time we will discuss advanced "financial instruments" that one might find in the transactions.

Speaker: Kay Hamacher, Stefan Katzenbeisser EventID: 4746 Event: 28th Chaos Communication Congress (28C3) by the Chaos Computer Club [CCC] Location: Berlin Congress Center [bcc]; Alexanderstr. 11; 10178 Berlin; Germany Language: english Start: 29.12.2011 14:00:00 +01:00 License: CC-by-nc-sa

Electronic money: The road to Bitcoin and a glimpse forward Electronic money: The road to Bitcoin and a glimpse forward

How the e-money systems can be made better

The proposed talk provides a definition of the problem of creating e-money and after a review of the state of the art points out possible solutions and proposes questions for discussion for the properties of electronic money system.

Electronic money: The road to Bitcoin and a glimpse ahead

Abstract: The proposed talk provides a definition of the problem of creating e-money and after a review of the state of the art points out possible solutions and proposes questions for discussion for the properties of electronic money system.

Speaker: peio EventID: 4668 Event: 28th Chaos Communication Congress (28C3) by the Chaos Computer Club [CCC] Location: Berlin Congress Center [bcc]; Alexanderstr. 11; 10178 Berlin; Germany Language: english Start: 29.12.2011 17:15:00 +01:00 License: CC-by-nc-sa

Dezentrale Geldschöpfung auf Basis von Bitcoin - Datenspuren 2011 Dezentrale Geldschöpfung auf Basis von Bitcoin

ein proof of concept

Bitcoin 1.0 war der erste versuch und erregte viel Aufmerksamkeit zeigt es doch wie eine Digitale Währung, die uns allen gehört, aussehen könnte

doch sind gravierende Designfehler in der "money machanic" eingebaut worden

ich würde gern zeigen wie diese Fehler aussehen & wie man sie beheben kann, um eventuell ein Bitcoin 2.0 zu bauen

  • warum das Geldmonopol abgeschaft gehört oder warum zentralistische Gelschöpfung Armut generiert
  • kurzer technik Überblick bei Bitcoin - wie das funktioniert
  • kurzer praxis Überblick bei Bitcoin - wie das in real aussieht
  • Bitcoin 1.0 - begrenzte Geldmenge - was für ein Schwachsinn
  • Bitcoin 2.0 - dezentrale Geldschöpfung mit elastischer Geldmenge
  • Lösungsansätze um ein nachlatiges Geldsystem zu schaffen auf Basis von Bitcoin

Redner: Peponi Beginn: 16.10.2011 11:15:00 +02:00 LectureID: 4573 Event: Datenspuren 2011 Sprache: deutsch Lizenz: CC-by-nc-sa

Bitcoin and Alternative Currencies Video of our June 2nd 2011 teleseminar in the form of an interview with Metaviews researcher Ken Chasse by Metaviews President Jesse Hirsh.


BitCoin is a 2 year old electronic currency that is taking the internet by storm. It combines the basic economic concept of scarcity = value, and that cryptographic operations are computationally expensive. Hundreds of businesses accept them as payment online, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation now accepts donations in BTC. The current global market is worth approx. $US 50M+ at current exchange rates, with over $5M USD traded on May 26th, increasing exponentially as BitCoin goes viral.