Kurs:OpenSCI 2012

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Lfd. Titel Abstract Bewertung
11 OpenSCI 2012 -- Session 5, Kevin Hong and Karina Nagin (Root Alliance) "Integrating the BoP into the Innovation Process: A Workshop by Root Alliance" - Opening Scientific Collaboration for Innovation in (OGlobal Health penSCI) 2012: A conference sponsored by the Program on Global Health and Technology Access and the 2012 class of graduate seminar PubPol 213S: "Designing Innovation for Global Health"

In this workshop, Kevin Hong and Karina Nagin, two of the co-founders of Root Alliance, a consultancy that conducts community-level surveys to assess BoP market products and services, walked conference participants through several examples and case studies of health technologies intended to improve the lives of the poor. From examining such technologies as the PlayPump and LifeStraw to simulating interviews with end-users, these interactive discussions and exercises demonstrate importance of integrating feedback from end-users into the design and implementation of these health interventions.