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Projekttagebuch (zu dem Projekt:European Sociolinguistics)[Bearbeiten]

Im Sommersemester 2007 nahm ich an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt an einem Hauptseminar zum Thema "Languages in European Societies" teil. Jeder Student bekam ein europäisches Land, für das er oder sie zuständig war. Wir erarbeiteten einen Fragenkatalog, mit dem wir uns beschäftigen sollten. Um einige Fragen unseres Projektes beantworten zu können, schrieb ich einige Universitäten und Hochschulen in Norwegen an. Auch versuchte ich über die bekannte Internetplattform StudiVz an viele norwegischen Muttersprachler ranzukommen, um viele Antworten auf unseren Onlinefragebogen zu bekommen.
In diesem Projekttagebuch findet man nun meinen Schriftverkehr mit den verschiedenen Hochschulen, um so die Arbeit nachvollziehen zu können.

Mails an die Universität in Bergen[Bearbeiten]

Zuerst versuchte ich es bei der Universität in Bergen. Auf der Internetseite stieß ich nach einer kurzen Suche auf das Institut für "Language Technologies". Leider konnte man mir nicht weiterhelfen, jedoch gab man mir weitere Mailadressen, die mir bei meiner Arbeit weiterhelfen könnten.

Florian Lang (02.07.2007 – 11.10 Uhr)
Dear Mr. A.,
My name is Florian Lang and I am a student from Germany. I am attending a class concerning languages in European societies (given by Prof. Dr. Grzega, maybe you know). I found your email address and read that you are concerning with Language Technology in Bergen, Norway. As I am the student responsible for the Norwegian language(s), I would be very glad, if you (and maybe your students or assistants) could help me with some questions on your language.
I hope that you will have some time for answering my questions. If your subject (Language Technology) does not meet my research field, I would be glad if you know someone whose research fields are similar to mine and if you could give me an email address. Thank you for taking your time and thank you for your cooperation (I will send you the questions as soon as I hear from you),
Sincerely, Florian Lang

Mr. A. (02.07.2007 – 11.32 Uhr)
Dear Florian Lang,
Please send me your questions and I will see if I have time to deal with them. If not, I will suggest alternative respondents.
Best wishes,

Florian Lang (03.07.2007 – 17.26 Uhr)
Dear Mr. A.,
thank you very much for answering my email very quickly. I have got four questions and an online questionnaire. It would be great, if you could answer question 1 to 3 and if you could find as many as possible native speakers of the Norwegian language(s) for questions 4 and the online questionnaire (so that I have some reliable results for my class). The questionnaire is anonymous and I will not give any names to other people. So, here are the questions:

  • Question 1: Which role does intercultural competence play in secondary education?
  • Question 2: Which role does International English play in foreign language teaching?
  • Question 3: How does language criticism look like? (against Anglicisms? against language change in general? against register breaks?)
  • Question 4: Are there prominent examples for word-coinages due to "political correctness"?
  • Online Questionnaire:

Again, thank you very much,
Sincerely, Florian Lang

Mr. A. (04.07.2007 – 08.15 Uhr)
Dear Florian Lang, My main field of work is technology development and I am not involved in secondary education or foreign language teaching. Therefore it is a better idea to pose your questions to a member of staff in one of the following institutions (Bergen University College, English department) (University of Bergen , English department)
Good luck!

Florian Lang (04.07.2007 – 10.00 Uhr)
Dear Mr. A.
Although, you could not help me directly, thank you very much for giving me more contact information. I recently sent an email to those addresses and hope that they can help me. If you do not mind, please answer our internet questionnaire (it's made for all native speakers and not just scientists) on:
Thank you very much,
Sincerely, Florian Lang

Mails an die Mitarbeiter der HiB und der UiB[Bearbeiten]

Nachdem ich nun von Mr. A. so viele Email Adressen (ganze 35!) bekommen habe, habe ich mich daran gemacht, die entsprechenden Personen anzuschreiben. Leider kam auch hier nur eine (!) Antwort, die der Antwort von Mr. A. sehr ähnlich war.

Florian Lang (04.07.2007 – 08.45 Uhr)
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Florian Lang and I am a student from Germany. I am attending a class concerning languages in European societies (given by Prof. Dr. Grzega, maybe you know). As I am the student responsible for the Norwegian language(s), I would be very glad, if you (and maybe your students or other assistants) could help me with some questions on your language.
I hope that you will have some time for answering my questions. If your subjects do not meet my research field, I would be glad if you know someone whose research fields are similar to mine and if you could give me an email address.
There is a total of four questions and one online questionnaire. It would be great, if you could answer question 1 to 3 and if you could find as many as possible native speakers of the Norwegian language(s) for questions 4 and the online questionnaire (so that I have some reliable research results for my class). The questionnaire is anonymous and I will not give any names to other people. So, here are the questions:

  • Question 1: Which role does intercultural competence play in secondary education?
  • Question 2: Which role does International English play in foreign language teaching?
  • Question 3: How does language criticism look like? (against Anglicisms? against language change in general? against register breaks?)
  • Question 4: Are there prominent examples for word-coinages due to "political correctness"?
  • Online Questionnaire:

SJS (04.07.2007 - 10.46 Uhr)
Thank you for this. As an Englishman teaching literature, this is quite outside my area of competence, but I wish you every success with your work.
Best wishes

Mails an das Department of Teacher Education and School Development der Universität von Oslo[Bearbeiten]

Nach den erfolglosen Mails nach Bergen, wandte ich mich noch an die Universität der norwegischen Hauptstadt. Auch dieses Mal blieben meine Mails unbeantwortet.

Florian Lang (24.08.2007 – 11.30 Uhr)
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Florian Lang and I am a student from Germany. I am attending a class concerning languages in European societies (given by Prof. Dr. Grzega, maybe you know). As I am the student responsible for the Norwegian language(s), I would be very glad, if you (and maybe your students or other assistants) could help me with some questions on your language.
I hope that you will have some time for answering my questions. If your subjects do not meet my research field, I would be glad if you know someone whose research fields are similar to mine and if you could give me an email address.
There is a total of four questions and one online questionnaire. It would be great, if you could answer question 1 to 3 and if you could find as many as possible native speakers of the Norwegian language(s) for questions 4 and the online questionnaire (so that I have some reliable research results for my class). The questionnaire is anonymous and I will not give any names to other people. So, here are the questions:

  • Question 1: Which role does intercultural competence play in secondary education?
  • Question 2: Which role does International English play in foreign language teaching?
  • Question 3: How does language criticism look like? (against Anglicisms? against language change in general? against register breaks?)
  • Question 4: Are there prominent examples for word-coinages due to "political correctness"?
  • Online Questionnaire:

Nachrichten über das StudiVz[Bearbeiten]

Wie schon eingangs erwähnt nutzte ich auch die Möglichkeiten, die die Internetplattform StudiVz bietet, um viele Muttersprachler des norwegischen zu erreichen. Diese Möglichkeit erwies sich als effektiv, da einige der Studenten den Internet-Fragebogen des Projektes besuchten und ihn beantworteten.
Hier die Textnachricht, die ich 63 Studenten schickte (auf Deutsch und Englisch)

Hallo du!
Ich suche norwegische Muttersprachler, die mir bei meinen Nachforschungen helfen. Ich besuche einen Sprachwissenschafts-Kurs und bitte Dich, ganz schnell und anonym einen Internet-Fragebogen auszufüllen ( Es wäre super, wenn du den Link an so viele Norweger wie möglich weiterleiten könntest (müssen nicht unbedingt Studenten sein).
Vielen Dank!

Hi there!
I am looking for native speakers of the Norwegian language who could help me with my research. I am attending a linguistics class and maybe you could just fill out an online survey anonymous ( It would be great, if you could send this link to as many Norwegians as you like (they do not need to be students).
Thank you very much!


Da ich kaum bis keine Antworten auf meine Anfragen bekommen habe, war es für mich nicht möglich einige Fragen, die wir uns selbst in unserem Projekt gestellt haben zu beantworten. Aus diesem Grund müssen einige Punkte auf der Seite des Projekts unbeantwortet bleiben.

--FlorianLang 12:33, 12. Sep. 2007 (CEST)