Benutzer:Miriam B.

Aus Wikiversity


This project-journal has to be written for the project ‘European Sociolinguistics’.

In order to find volunteers to fill in the questionnaire, I asked 60 Luxemburgers via ‘studiVZ’ from August 11th to August 25th 2007. Only 6 actually sent the questionnaire back. I also wrote three e-mails to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Educational Science at the University of Luxemburg. This is the original message I sent all three times.

Dear Dean […] I am a student at the Catholic University of Eichstaett, Germany,[…]. As part of a project for a seminar about sociolinguistics, the students have to implement a questionnaire. I would be very grateful if you or a member of your staff could answer the following questions and send the replies back, as soon as possible. 1. Which role does intercultural competence play in secondary education? 2. Which role does international English (aside from AmE and BrE) play in foreign language teaching? 3. Are there prominent examples for word-coinages due to “political correctness”? I thank you very much in advance, […]

It was sent on July 13th, August 11th and August 23rd. I never received an answer.