Datei:The world's inhabitants; or, Mankind, animals, and plants; being a popular account of the races and nations of mankind, past and present, and the animals and plants inhabiting the great continents and (14598244468).jpg
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BeschreibungThe world's inhabitants; or, Mankind, animals, and plants; being a popular account of the races and nations of mankind, past and present, and the animals and plants inhabiting the great continents and (14598244468).jpg
Text Appearing Before Image: ^; others sa\this is not the case. The captains carrj^ enemies skulls in their girdl* THE WESTERN AFRICANS. 625 They are of great importance to the kings palace in performing the Text Appearing After Image: simple duty of fetching that^^^a^e~^ecessai^y~w^ They do this insmgle file, and strike a bell whenever any on; is seen approlching tha s s 626 THE INHABITANTS OF AFRICA. the road may be kept clear; for in case of any accident happening toone of these women, the man who is nearest is supposed to be the cause,and loses his head or his liberty. There is of course a considerable army of men, armed, like theAmazons, with guns and swords. Their fighting is a system ofMode of strategy, cunning, and surprise ; their object being to arrivefighting, g^^ ^-j^g intended point without being heard or seen. Shouldthey succeed, so much the better for themselves ; if not, they fight foran hour or two in a desultory sort of manner, without order and withoutdiscipline ; after which, if they cannot carry their point, the whole armyruns away, and makes the best of its way back to the capital (Wilmot).In pursuit, the heads of enemies are chopped off without mercj. Theill-advised expedition of the Dahomans
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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