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Ideas for the "Long Night against Procrastination"

Aus Wikiversity

I use this page to jot down a couple of ideas I might have for the evolution of the "Long Night Against Procrastination".

  • Document the event on video and upload it to Youtube. This allows for constant promotion throughout the year.
  • Use online mindmapping (Mindmeister, MindManager, The Brain or else - whatever seems suitable) to let students map the topic of the paper they are working on during the event according to thematical relations. Have this mindmap visible throughout the event (preferably in the chill-out area and on a separate computer). Let students who would like to be contacted by others about their topic indicate this (e.g. by having them give their eMail, Twitter name or else), so that topical conversations can unfold extending across locations and also after the event. As a bonus, everyone involved will have a good idea about the wealth of topics covered during #lndah and, if successful, such a mindmap could also help to communicate the variety of topics that writing centers have to deal with to the media.
  • how about using the hangout function on google+ as a way to then connect students that are working on similar topics in different areas? A LNAP-circle could make sure that the group is 'defined' in a way. There should be a room dedicated to people who would like to get connected with others via hangout. But coming to think of that: For the 'Night' itself it might be better to have these exchanges happen before the actual event takes place - from my experience the students try to get a lot of pages written and prefer not to be 'irritated' by feedback that would make them change the content of their work. (26.03.2012 Sdr3frst)