Kurs:Das Internet als verlängerter Arm des Militärs?/Referate/MoocIndex

Aus Wikiversity



  • learningGoals=
  1. understand that ethernet is a nondeterministic protocol
  2. be able to understand requirements for the link layer in the TCP/IP Protocol suite
  3. understand the collision detection in ethernet
  4. understand why randomization is a good idea in nondeterministic protocols
  5. be able to name a deterministic link layer protocol

unit|Communication over a shared Medium[Bearbeiten]

  • TODO=type Medium in lower case
  • furtherReading=
  1. Communication over a shared medium
  2. binary numeral system
  3. binary data
  • learningGoals=
  1. understand the basic problems when communicating over a shared medium
  2. understand the origins of ethernet
  • video=File:General_Problems_of_Communication_over_a_Shared_Medium.ogv