Kurs:Democracy Theory

Aus Wikiversity
Lfd. Titel Abstract Bewertung
Chaotic Elections! A Mathematician Looks at Voting Voting is a basic tool of every democracy. We vote to choose the name for a pet dog, a club treasurer, and the president of the United States. But do election outcomes really capture what the voters want? The mathematics of group decision making helps explain why people vote the way they do, how voting can lead to results that don't reflect the true wishes of the electorate, and what could be done to improve the process.

Donald Saari, University of California, Irvine

Michel Balinski, Part 1 of 3: How to apportion fairly Aristotle, the Talmud, the U.S. Congress and kidney transplants 534 views
Michel Balinski, Part 2 of 3: How to elect and to rank Overcoming paradoxes of social choice, electing a president and ranking wines 293 views
Michel Balinski, Part 3 of 3: How to eliminate gerrymandering A new approach to representation and its application to U.S. Congress 269 views