1 Given the following expression:
x * 4 > y * 3 | a == b
Which bracket structure corresponds to its evaluation order?
2 Assume the following declarations:
int a, b, c; boolean b1, b2; String name, vorname; double x, y;
Which types do the following expressions have:
1. a+b 2. b-x 3. vornamen+" "+name 4. a==b 5. b1 =(x>y) && b1
3 Which of the following are valid Java identifiers?
4 Assume the following declarations:
int a, b; char c; boolean b1, b2; String name, vorname; double x, y
Which of the following expressions will cause a type error?
5 Assume again the following declarations:
Which of the following expressions is a valid boolean expression?