Kurs:Mondragon /Kurse

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The Cleveland Model The Evergreen Cooperatives are a connected group of worker-owned cooperatives in Cleveland, Ohio. They are committed to local, worker-owned job creation; sustainable, green and democratic workplaces; and community economic development.

Evergreen is one of a number of systems of worker-owned cooperatives pioneering an alternative model of business in the United States, based on the highly successful Mondragon Corporation in the Basque Region of Spain. These systems emphasize the network aspect of the Mondragon system — a connected group of semi-autonomous businesses, each owned and controlled by its workers but part of a mutually supportive, worker-owned and worker-controlled association — as opposed to the smaller, more fragmented worker co-ops that have existed in the U.S. for many years.

Potential applications of the "Cleveland Model" are being considered in Atlanta, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Detroit and a number of other cities around Ohio.

Jenny Kassan on Raising Capital for Cooperatives Attorney Jenny Kassan of Cutting Edge Capital, The Sustainable Economies Law Center and Katovich Law Group, discusses the in and out's of securities regulation, state and federal law, exemptions, as well as various strategies that small businesses and cooperatives have used to raise needed capital.

Mike Leung on Worker Cooperatives and Financing Pt 1 Message from the filmmaker: SUPPORT WORKER COOPERATIVES: http://www.MightySmallFilms.com/This_Way_Out.html No bosses!

Mike Leung, chief organizer of the proposed Worker Cooperative Federal Credit Union and Abolish Human Rentals discusses worker cooperatives and financing issues Part 1 of 2.

Mike Leung on Worker Cooperatives and Financing Pt 2 Mike Leung of the proposed Worker Cooperative Federal Credit Union, and Abolish Human rentals discusses financing and worker cooperatives. Part 2 of 2
1 Mike Leung - Worker Cooperative Capital Structure at Arizmendia Association
2. Mike Leung - Worker Cooperative Capital Structure at Arizmendi Association
3 Mike Leung - Worker Cooperative Capital Structure at Arizmendi Association
"The Community Supported Kitchen" with Tressa Yellig What is a Community Supported Kitchen?

It is a sustainable model for community scale food preparation and processing that honors culinary traditions and provides nutrient-dense foods. It is a place for community and community empowerment and nourishment. Through seasonal feasts, membership boxes, classes and internships, a CSK seeks to improve the transparency of food from farm to table. Our mission is to restore food integrity and traditional preparations to our regional food economy. We are committed to sourcing locally, planning seasonally, minimizing waste and working respectfully in direct relationship with our community of farmers, customers and fellow artisans.

Salt, Fire and Time is Portland's CSK and the fourth in the nation. It is organized by Chef Tressa Yellig, a graduate of the Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts in New York. She specializes in a variety of health supportive cooking styles including vegan, macrobiotic, and ayurvedic traditions but mostly advocates the Weston A. Price Foundation's nutritional philosophy. She apprenticed under the worker-ownership of Three Stone Hearth in Berkeley, CA, the first community supported kitchen of its kind. In addition, she has experience managing farmers' markets, working with a variety of artisan food producers, in upscale restaurants, business management and organizations promoting urban food sustainability, local food economies and seasonality. To find out more check out www.saltfireandtime.com

Creating Prosperous Communities - Cooperatives in Maleny A video about the many cooperatives in Maleny, Australia, and the beneficial effects they have on the local community 99 views