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Kurs:Photoshop Einzellösungen/en/Vertical Stitching of Geometrically Clearly Defined Objects

Aus Wikiversity

This course addresses beginners. The editing steps are kept simple on purpose.

Initial Situation


Certain circumstances do not allow you to photograph an object from the necessary distance and so you take several photos slightly staggered:

The slightly different lighting situations can be ignored for now. It's clearly visible that the vertical lines significantly differ. But this is not a problem.

Automated Stiching


File -> Automate -> Photomerge... Layout stays set to Auto, set check mark to

  • Vignette Removal
  • Geometric Distortion Correction

and than click ok, result:

Amend Compilation

  1. Use <Ctrl>+<E> to reduce the 4 single layers to one layer
  2. Use <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<L> for auto color correction (Auto Levels)
  3. Use Edit -> Transform -> Distort to correct the perspective distortion
  4. the full image is cutted out along the visible borderlines
  5. Use Edit -> Transform -> Warp to adjust the horizontal lines

Final Result


Not optimal but usable. The path and the bottom edge are still crooked and could be corrected - but not necessarily need to be.