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A Framework for Designing Telecentres

This Framework is organized in the sequence of a logical approach to the design of information systems that are intended to deliver socio-economic benefits via telecentres for the purpose of community level development and poverty reduction. The audience for this Framework is the institutions or individuals involved in, or contemplating, the setting up of telecentres.

A Guidebook for Managing Telecentre Networks This guide represent the very best of what telecentre.org and the telecentre movement is all about: working together to share experience and best practices with view to making telecentres strong, better, more sustainable and more relevant to the people they serve. This discusses the challenges and proposes solutions from the practitioners' perspective.
APDIP e-Note 14 - Telecentre 2.0 – Beyond Piloting Telecentres Telecentre 2.0. is a general model that does away with further piloting of telecentres as a development mechanism. This APDIP e-Note outlines how the Telecentre 2.0 model can help countries that do not have established telecentres on a country-wide basis in doing so by drawing on previous and well-documented experiences from other countries.
APDIP e-Note 15 - Telecentre Sustainability – Financing ICTs for the Poor "This note is created in response to the criticism that telecentres have been met especially for not being sustainable. Therefore, this material examines different ownership and financing models for telecentres, emphasizing the balance between subsidy and revenue. It examines how these models can assist in ensuring long-term financial sustainability and how both the private sector and civil society can be mutually involved in this process."
Assessing Community Telecentres: Guidelines for Researchers "This guidebook will assist researchers as they assess and evaluate the role and impact of community telecentres. It provides an introduction to some of the key research issues, a framework for telecentre evaluation, and an impetus for research teams to share ideas, instruments, and methods. This document can be used as a tool to evaluate and monitor community telecentres and to strengthen the complementarity of their research and the comparability of their results."
Capacity Building for Operationalization of Telemedicine Systems through Telecentres "Telemedicine, health, capacity building, community health"
Information Seeking Patterns and Telecentre Operations: A Case of Selected Rural Communities in Tanzania Information needs assessment is critical in developing and running relevant information services. This article explores the information needs and information-seeking patterns of the people living in communities surrounding telecentres. The research was based in four rural districts in Tanzania which have telecentres.These were Sengerema, Magu, Karagwe and Ngara districts. The research was done utilising the Critical Incident Technique (CIT) to determine how people or communities seek information concerning problem-solving, decision-making or question-answering situations. CIT was also used to determine the extent to which ICTs were used in seeking information. It was found that business and agricultural related information were the main information needs of the people in the communities involved in this study, however this information was rarely provided by the telecentres. The study further found out that face-to-face communication and the radio were the major sources of information that the respondents used. This study recommends that management of the telecentresshould regularly assess user information needs in order for telecentres to have an impact on rural communities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Libraries, Telecentres and Cybercafés: A study of public access venues around the world This paper offers early insight into ongoing research comparing public access venues such as libraries, cybercafés and telecentres in 25 countries around the world. We study information needs and uses of information and communication technologies (ICT) in these public access venues, with a particular focus on underserved populations. Understanding trends, differences and similarities across venues and across countries offers an emerging map that will help researchers and policymakers conduct future research and make better decisions to strengthen public access to information through ICT. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Localization of IT curriculum for IT awareness for Telecentre Managers and users "An e-Learning, testing and accreditation service in local language and it is a pioneering initiative to broaden the access to ICT knowledge in rural communities. A partnership with Nenasala Telecenters, to provide a local language e-learning services to increase their reach for rural communities in ICT based employment development by empowering the strength of Telecentre Managers and Staff through this project. The curriculum is being designed to suit Telecentre Managers locally and internationally to upgrade their knowledge in ICT and use developed skills for their day to day activity and provide same to others in the rural area at affordable cost to generate income as well."
Making the Connection: Scaling Telecentres for Development "This book identifies and discusses the most pressing issues facing the global telecenter movement, presents a condensed view of the current state of knowledge with regard to telecenters, and highlights possible paths forward. The primary audience for this book consists of those individuals, firms, and organizations that are most likely to be involved, either directly or indirectly, in the planning and deployment of telecenters around the world, with an emphasis on large-scale deployments.
Making the connection: scaling telecentres for development This book identifies and discusses the most pressing issues facing the global telecenter movement, presents a condensed view of the current state of knowledge with regard to telecenters, and highlights possible paths forward. The primary audience for this book consists of those individuals, firms, and organizations that are most likely to be involved, either directly or indirectly, in the planning and deployment of telecenters around the world, with an emphasis on large-scale deployments.
Resource mobilization : A Guide to Resource Mobilisation Planning for Partners of the Telecentre Women: Digital Literacy Campaign This document talks about Resource mobilisation. Resource mobilisation includes building valuable contacts and networks, and garnering the interest, support, and in-kind contributions of people important to your organisation. Just as important as raising funds is the effort to building relationships. People don’t give money to causes, they give to people with causes. So resource mobilisation goes beyond fund raising; it is friend raising as well.
Rethinking Telecentre Sustainability: How To Implement A Social Enterprise Approach - Lessons From India And Africa Telecentres today are the key to telecentres of tomorrow. If they succeed in achieving their objectives, there is no doubt that development partners, social investors and governments will have a fresh look at the potential of telecentres to development. In June 2005 the government of Ghana launched the first of its two hundred thirty telecentres to be established across the country. In Rwanda, US $ 1 million has been set aside for a countrywide telecentres program. All these are some of the bold initiatives that will be boosted by exquisite telecentre planning today. Financial and social sustainability of telecentres remains one of the key challenges of the digital inclusion programming more than a decade after. The author uses field-based experiences from India and Africa to review varied telecentre sustainability approaches. While analysing the strengths and weaknesses of each of the approaches he makes an argument for a new approach – one that will ensure high social capital, sustainability and financial sustainability for telecentres.
Rural Women in Africa: Ideas for Earning Money - A Computer Book for Use by Women in Telecentres in Uganda "This ""computer book"" addresses rural women from Uganda concerning the opportunities they have for generating extra income, presenting all the necessary information for reaching this goal in a very simple and attractive manner."
Telecentros en España Spanish telecentres are a catalyst and inclusion instrument in the information society. Nevertheless, there is a lack of studies describing the activities performed by these entities in their areas of impact. With this goal in mind, research was conducted to analyse the current situation of the telecentres, the strengthening of their networks and the activities undertaken. It is the goal of this paper to formulate a "resources and services model" as the framework for decision taking by political authorities or as a rethinking and analysis device for social agents.
Telecottage Handbook: How to Establish and Run a Successful Telecentre This publication is a practical guide to establishing a telecottage as well as a valuable source of experiences and lessons learned. The Hungarian experience is used as a reference point throughout the publication's different themes and discussions.
Ten Steps for Establishing a Sustainable Multipurpose Community Telecentre: User's Guide "The concept of Multipurpose Community Telecentre (MCT) may be new and sounds complicated to many communities in developing countries. While harnessing technologies for the ultimate purpose of community development is being advocated worldwide, communities may be daunted by the idea of embarking upon unfamiliar ground. ""Ten Steps"" are designed to assist these communities to face this challenge. The publication comprises ten booklets, each dealing with a specifictopic relating to an aspect of MCT.
The Community Telecentre Cookbook for Africa: Recipes for Self-Sustainability "This manual is aimed at any person or organization that is interested in setting up a community-based Telecentre, such as a telecom operator, an NGO, a community group, a local government or a small business. The manual draws upon existing knowledge and materials concerning the establishment of a multi-purpose community Telecentre and adapt them to the African context in a style, which is user-friendly and makes few assumptions about the user’s knowledge.
Training Commons Modules to Capacitate Telecentre Managers "These present set of manuals will address various questions in four main areas: grassroots marketing, grassroots communications, entrepreneurship, and info-mediary skills, all of them being important tasks in managing telecentres."
Using Telecentres in Support of Distance Education "Telecentres bring knowledge and technology to the socially and geographically disadvantaged. Through their help learner can have access to: non-formal, adult and community education, counseling, enrollment, library support, study support, examination supervision, online information and news services, online discussion and working groups."