Projekt:Kurswerkstatt/Hausarbeit/Cover Letter

Aus Wikiversity

Musterstrasse 7
45127 Essen

14th October 2009

Judith Jolie
Human Resources Department
JA! Chocolate
45128 Essen

Re: Advertisement for a Salemanager for India, Rheinische Post, 12.10.2009

Dear Ms Jolie,

Bob Garner, one of your colleagues, recommended I contact you concerning my desire to work for your sales department in India.

I have six months experience on marketing campaigns for the product Milka. In my college days, I majored in Marketing, and interned in a marketing startup Rheinschafe in Essen.

Now the startup is behind the seed phase. And I am searching for a new opportunity to challenge myself. I think my experience in the turbulent days of the survive struggle of a young marketing startup will guide me in another culture.

I serve in India in a peasant project during my Civilian service, so I am acquantained with the country and the people in Kerala. I also got some basic phrases and idioms of Hindi from these days.

I will like an opportunity to talk further. I will follow up soon, in hope to arranging a time to meet.

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,

Mike McMillian