Graduiertenkolleg Osnabrück: Kombinatorische Strukturen in Algebra und Topologie/WS2010/Vorträge
- 19.10.2010: Interchange of algebraic structures and applications (Rainer Vogt)
- 26.10.2010: Introduction to Goodwillies Calculus of homotopy functors (Georg Biedermann)
- 02.11.2010: Introduction to Goodwillie's calculus of homotopy functors 2 (Georg Biedermann)
- 09.11.2010: Calabi-Yau threefolds in positive characteristic (Yukihide Takayama)
- 16.11.2010: Resolutions of equivariant modules over affine toric varieties (Markus Perling)
- 23.11.2010: Vector bundles on degenerations of elliptic curves (Igor Burban)
- 30.11.2010: Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of seminormal simplicial affine semigroup rings (Max Nitsche)
- 7.12.2010: Simplicial presheaves of coalgebras (George Raptis)
- 14.12.2010: The upper bound conjecture for simplicial spheres (Nguyen Dang Hop)
- 04.01.2011: Criteria for flatness and injectivity (Neil Epstein)
- 11.01.2011: Affine monoids and rational cones (Christof Söger)
- 18.01.2011: Simplicial complexes with Serre's condition (Siamak Yassemi)
- 01.02.2011: Topological (non)-realization of unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra (Sebastian Büscher)
- 08.02.2011: Topological (non)-realization of unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra II (Fabian Hebestreit)