Graduiertenkolleg Osnabrück: Kombinatorische Strukturen in Algebra und Topologie/WS 2011/Vorträge
- 25.10.2011: Basic properties of forcing algebras (Danny Jesus Gomez Ramirez)
- 1.11.2011: Rational Curves on K3 Surfaces (Christian Liedtke)
- 8.11.2011: Algebraic K-theory via noncommutative motives (David Gepner)
- 15.11.2011: Koszul property of the projections of the Veronese surface of (Aldo Conca)
- 22.11.2011: The stable parametrized h-cobordism theorem (after Waldhausen-Jahren-Rognes) (George Raptis)
- 29.11.2011: Continuous closure, axes closure and natural closure (Neil Epstein)
- 6.12.2011: The Koszul property of toric face rings (Nguyen Dang Hop)
- 13.12.2011: Simplicial, stable and local framings (Constanze Roitzheim)
- 10.1.2012: Maps of homotopy T-algebras (Justin Noel)
- 17.1.2012: Toric varieties and Markov processes on trees (Mateusz Michalek)
- 24.1.2012: The Tropical Inverse Problem for Curves in a Fixed Plane (Anna Lena Winstel)