[Bearbeiten]Bilingual Early Education
[Bearbeiten]Lfd. | Titel | Abstract | Bewertung |
Why Bilingual Education is Important in Elementary Schools |
Why it is important for elementary schools to teach more than one language
Mandarin Dual Language Immersion Program | A look at PUSD's Mandarin Dual Language Immersion program. | 3684 views | |
Dual Language Mini-Literacy Lesson | Dual Language Mini-Literacy Lesson | 2186 views | |
The Miracle of Dual Immersion | This video shows parents and educators what children can learn extensively in just one hundred minutes of immersed German language study. It is amazing to watch these six year old first graders as they absorb and even acquire German. | 290 views | |
Helping Your Child Learn Two Languages |
Teaching Strategies' Webinar with Dr. Patton Tabors and Dawn Terrill, authors of Helping Your Child Learn Two Languages. Ms. Terrill and Dr. Tabors discussed how and when to help children learn both their family language and English. They presented strategies educators can use to help parents support children's bilingual development. |
Supporting the Oral Language Development of Young Dual Language Learners: Why and How | On October 11, Teaching Strategies hosted a Webinar with Dr. Linda Espinosa. We're sorry to say we ran into difficulties recording the audio portion of the presentation, but this was a great Webinar and we'd like to share it anyway.
Dr. Espinosa discussed current research findings on the critical importance of fostering oral language development during the preschool years, including findings from neuroscience on brain development and bilingualism. She then described specific strategies designed to enhance certain aspects of oral language proficiency that have been linked to reading comprehension for young dual-language learners. |
Technology For Early Education
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Breakthrough Learning in a Digital Age - Session II. Literacy 2.0 |
Waldkindergarten (Betreuer: n.n.) | |
Kurzbeschreibung: |
Learn how Waldkindergarten counter the ideas scientific management of childhood |
Zielgruppe |
Learners with interest early childhood education reforms for Diaspora Kids |
Bilingual Language Learning
[Bearbeiten]Lfd. | Titel | Abstract | Bewertung |
The Needs of Dual Language Learners | Patterns of typical/atypical bilingual acquisition in Latino and Korean English language learners that inform development of culturally responsive interventions. Series: M.I.N.D. Institute Lecture Series on Neurodevelopmental Disorders [4/2010] [Health and Medicine] [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 17651] | 1874 views | |
Learning Chinese in Detroit - Wayne State University | Learning Chinese in Detroit, sponsored by the Confucius Institute at Wayne State University http://www.clas.wayne.edu/ci/, examines a K-8 Chinese foreign language and cultural immersion program at a public school in the City of Detroit. Teachers, administrators, parents, students and invited gueBildungswissenschaften comment on teaching methods, successes, challenges, issues of support, and future concerns. This film is especially poignant for K-12 educators and administrators, public officials, and concerned parents and students.
Language Matters: Strengthening Asian and Pacific Islander Education at Berkeley | An open forum to promote dialogue among UC Berkeley students, API community organizations, and UC Berkeley faculty and administration invested in building a robust API language curriculum at Berkeley.
Keynotee Talk on API Linguistic Diversity by Scholar-Activist Ling-Chi Wang, Professor Emeritus of Asian American Studies, UC Berkeley Speakers: Fiona Ma, California Assemblywoman, California State Assembly Democratic Caucus; Gibor Basri, Vice Chancellor of Equity and Inclusion, UC Berkeley; Elaine Kim, Professor of Asian American Studies, UC Berkeley |
Dreaming in Different Tongues: Languages and the Way We Think | On the Same Page: Voices of Berkeley keynote event
Moderated by Geoff Nunberg PaneliBildungswissenschaften: Scholars Lera Boroditsky and Lily Wong Fillmore; author and Cal alumna Maxine Hong Kingston; actor and Cal alumnus John Cho. http://onthesamepage.berkeley.edu |
Empowering the Language Learner - The New School | http://www.newschool.edu/public-engagement
Using a combination of lecture and experiential exercises, ESL education specialist Diane Larsen-Freeman traces the evolution of language teaching methods over the past 60 years, discussing how each evolutionary phase has contributed to a more "whole-person" view of language learners. Larsen-Freeman suggeBildungswissenschaften that when educators treat language as a closed, static system, they create a critical barrier to student empowerment. When language is instead seen as the complex, dynamic system, teachers are able to help their students transform their linguistic world, not merely conform to it. Larsen-Freeman illustrates how this shift in understanding has implications for what and how teachers teach. |
Learner Language: Tools for Teachers- The New School | Learner language is the constantly changing ability students have to communicate as they learn a new language. It provides an index of students progress, allowing teachers to determine how to best educate them. By analyzing examples of learner language, students develop skills to address it when they are teaching. | 9563 views |
Language Revitalization
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Two Models of Language Revitalization from California | This presentation focuses on two models that have been developed in California for revitalization of moribund languages -- the Master-Apprentice Language Learning Program, and the Breath of Life Workshops for languages without speakers. Both these programs were developed by a Native-run organization, the Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival. In the Master-Apprentice Program, the elderly speakers team up with younger learners, and the teams are taught how to transmit the language from elder to younger through immersion while living their daily lives together. For Breath of Life workshops, Native participants explore the massive language archives at the University of California and learn the fundamentals of linguistics with the goal of utilizing the materials they find their for purposes of language teaching, learning and revitalization. Both these programs have spread both nationally and internationally and been found to be highly effective in communities that put them to use.
This event is co-sponsored by the Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity and the University of Melbourne, School of Languages and Linguistics. |
"The Resurgence of Anikituhwa: Language and Cultural Revitalization among the Eastern Band Cherokee" | Travis Henline presented "The Resurgence of Anikituhwa: Language and Cultural Revitalization among the Eastern Band Cherokee" at the monthly Tuesday evening lecture in the Archives and History Library. After reviewing the history of the Cherokee and their language, Henline opened the program to audience participation, giving attendees a small sample of the Total Physical Response method of teaching second languages. | ||
Indigenous Language Revitalization: The Hawaiian Experience | Dr. William H. "Pila" Wilson is professor and chair of the Hawaiian Studies Division at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo. Kauanoe Kamana is a founding member of 'Aha Punana Leo immersion school and has been very active in developing legislation both on the state and national levels in support of the use of Native American languages in education. | 19 views | |
First Speakers: Restoring the Ojibwe language | A ground breaking documentary about the Ojibwe people creating a language immersion school to save their language. | 363 views |
Education Innovation
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Replicating Models of Success: Scaling Innovation in the Education Sector | In this session at the 2011 Social Enterprise Conference, education experts discussed leveraging localized knowledge to spread innovations in education reform across the field.
The session was moderated by Amy Rosen, president and CEO of the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship and adjunct professor for Columbia Business School. Speakers included Cami Anderson, superintendent of Newark Public Schools; Sharren Bates, senior program officer at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Kristen Kane, chief operating officer at News Corporation's Education Division; and Michele Cahill, vice president of the National Program and program director of Urban Education at the Carnegie Corporation. |
John King and James Liebman on Building Successful Schools in New York | James Liebman, the Simon H. Rifkind Professor of Law at Columbia Law School and former chief accountability officer at the New York City Department of Education, and John King, senior deputy commissioner for P12 education at the New York State Department of Education, discuss goals and strategies to catalyze change in education departments, the progress of NYCs school system and whether performance benchmarks are set at sufficiently high levels to prepare students for the future in this presentation at the Social Enterprise Program's first annual Nonprofit Leadership Forum, Measuring and Creating Excellence in Schools.
Download a PDF of this and other presentations from the forum at http://www4.gsb.columbia.edu/socialenterprise/forum2010 |
Innovation in Public Education | In this panel discussion, entrepreneurs in the field of education talk about how to work with the market and apply business practices and frameworks to the problem of urban education reform. Their lessons have relevance in areas ranging from teaching to administration, and from recruitment to organizational design. | 373 views | |
Jonah Rockoff and Douglas Staiger: Using Teacher Evaluation to Improve School Performance | Jonah Rockoff, the Sidney Taurel Associate Professor of Business at Columbia Business School, and Douglas Staiger, the John French Professor in Economics at Dartmouth College, discuss research used to identify the effectiveness of teachers in achieving student outcomes by using a value-added approach, and the use of these measures for teacher evaluation and screening, in their presentations at the Social Enterprise Program's first annual Nonprofit Leadership Forum, Measuring and Creating Excellence in Schools.
Download a PDF of this and other presentations from the forum at http://www4.gsb.columbia.edu/socialenterprise/forum2010 |
Education and Economics Part 1 | Caroline Hoxby, The Scott and Donya Bommer Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences and a Senior Fellow at Hoover and SIEPR and
Michelle Rhee, Founder and Chairman of StudentsFirst and the former Chancellor of the DC public schools talked about the research side and the practitioners side of teaching and what it means to students. |
Education and Economics Part 2 | Caroline Hoxby, The Scott and Donya Bommer Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences and a Senior Fellow at Hoover and SIEPR and
Michelle Rhee, Founder and Chairman of StudentsFirst and the former Chancellor of the DC public schools talked about the research side and the practitioners side of teaching and what it means to students. |
Education and Economics Q/A | Caroline Hoxby, The Scott and Donya Bommer Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences and a Senior Fellow at Hoover and SIEPR and
Michelle Rhee, Founder and Chairman of StudentsFirst and the former Chancellor of the DC public schools talked about the research side and the practitioners side of teaching and what it means to students. |
Immersive Education in Virtual Worlds
[Bearbeiten]Kursbezeichnung | Zielgruppe | Voraussetzung | Status |
Learning in Virtual Worlds | ![]() |
Private Schools
[Bearbeiten]Kursbezeichnung | Zielgruppe | Voraussetzung | Status |
1 | Caroline Hoxby: "What Makes Charter Schools Effective?" | Caroline Hoxby, the Scott and Donya Bommer Professor of Economics at Stanford University, discusses New York City charter schools, analyzing the lottery application method, student achievement and the necessity for rigorous monitoring of results, in this keynote speech at the Social Enterprise Program's first annual Nonprofit Leadership Forum, Measuring and Creating Excellence in Schools.
Download a PDF of this and other presentations from the forum at http://www4.gsb.columbia.edu/socialenterprise/forum2010 To learn more about Social Enterprise Program at Columbia Business School, visit http://www.gsb.columbia.edu/socialenterprise |
2 | ROI in Education: Increasing Innovation and Choice | At the 2010 Social Enterprise Conference, Professor Jonah Rockoff leads a discussion of how capital is being raised for education reform, and where is it being used to develop innovative, scalable, and sustainable solutions in education. Speakers include Kristin Kearns Jordan, founder of Bronx Preparatory Charter School; Joel Rose, founder and CEO of the School of One at the NYC Department of Education; Jim Peyser, managing partner of the NewSchools Venture Fund; and Lane McBride, principal at the Boston Consulting Group.
To learn more about the Social Enterprise Program at Columbia Business School, please visit www.gsb.columbia.edu/socialenterprise |
Regelschule: International School
[Bearbeiten]Kursbezeichnung | Zielgruppe | Voraussetzung | Status | |||
International Schools For Diaspora Kids ? | Learners with interest education reforms for Global Kids |
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Kursbezeichnung | Zielgruppe | Voraussetzung | Status | |||||
Borderless Education | Gain acquaintance with borderless and new models of transnational education |
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Migrants in Education Environment
[Bearbeiten]Lfd. | Titel | Abstract | Bewertung |
Konferenz Migration - Integration - Social Mobility: Arbeitsgruppe "Zugang zur Bildung" | Teilnehmer:
Barry van Driel, International Director für Lehrerbildung und Curriculum-Entwicklung, Anne-Frank-Haus, Amsterdam Dr. Maurice Crul, Institut für Soziologie und Anthropologie, Universität Amsterdam Prof. Barbara John, Beauftragte Sprachförderung für Migranten bei der Senatsverwaltung Bildung , Jugend und Sport, Berlin Moderation: Prof. Alistair Ross, Institut für Policy Studies in Education, London Metropolitan University |
Konferenz Migration - Integration - Social Mobility: Vortrag Alistair Ross | Soziale Mobilität und die Aufstiegschancen von Migrant_innen
Prof. Alistair Ross, Institute for Policy Studies in Education, London Metropolitan University |
Reading Groups
Deschooling Society (Betreuer: n.n.) | |
Kurzbeschreibung: |
Zielgruppe |
Learner who are interested on deschooling |
Education Criticism
[Bearbeiten]Lfd. | Titel | Abstract | Bewertung |
TEDxPhilly - Chris Lehmann - Education is broken | Chris Lehmann introduces a revolutionary idea in education: Encourage learning by allowing students to do things they are good at instead of restricting them. While that may sound elementary, Lehmann's speech carves out an innovative way to teach students success so they will strive for success in the post-graduate world.
Hailing from Manhattan, Chris Lehmann is breathing fresh air into the Philadelphia School District by providing immediate feedback to teachers using an iPad, asking teachers to practice kindness in the classroom, and promoting a student-centered school. |
TEDxEaBildungswissenschaftenidePrep - Shawn Cornally - The Future of Education Without Coercion | Shawn Cornally's tagline to his blog sums him up well: "Dealing with the fear of being a boring teacher." Clearly Shawn is successfully combating this fear. Blogging extensively and generating conversations among educators across the world, Shawn brings us some perspective on how the tools of today can be put to work in the classroom. | 13494 views |