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Wikiversity:Fellow-Programm Freies Wissen/Einreichungen/Political Protest and Generational Change in New Democracies/Datenmanagementplan

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Hier entsteht ein Datenmanagementplan für alle im Projekt Political Protest and Generational Change in New Democracies verwendeten und anfallenden digitalen Objekte wie Messungen, Medien, Texte, Software etc. (angelehnt an Data Management Plan der UB Bielefeld).

Vorhandene Daten


Beschreibung der vorhandenen Daten, die für das Projekt nachgenutzt werden können und ihre Integration in das Projekt

The project uses two types of existing data: Individual-level data from nationally-representative surveys and country-level data from expert surveys and international organizations.

Individual-level data


The WVS, EVS, and ESS asked respondents about their participation in three forms of protest: demonstrations, petitions, and boycotts. The data also contains information on respondents political values and attitudes together with sociodemographic information.

Country-level data


These organizations provide data, at the country-level, on the quality and longevity of democratic institutions, levels of political repression together with different socioeconomic indicators.

Im Projekt verwendete Daten


Angaben zu Arten, Formaten und geschätzten Mengen von Daten, die verwendet und erzeugt werden. Darüber hinaus sollten weitergehende Informationen zum Prozess der Datenerzeugung und Qualitätssicherung (wie z.B. Maßnahmen zur Dokumentation, Validierung) dargestellt werden.



The project merges and harmonizes the individual and structural data in order to produce three databases.

Database 1: Data on protest experience in 55 democracies (1981-2014)


The study merges data from all six waves of the World Values Survey (WVS) and all four rounds of the European Value Study (EVS). From the original survey data, a subsample of democratic states, for which at least two nationally-representative waves were available, was selected. This left responses from over 275,000 respondents in 55 countries and 223 country-waves, from 1981 to 2014. The data was then merged with country-level indicators of economic development, level of democracy, and democratic experience.

Database 2: Data on protest experience in East and West Germany (1990-2008)


The dataset was constituted using the German results of three waves of the European Values Study (EVS, 2012). The pooled EVS datafile has a sample of 7,548 respondents in 1990, 1999, and 2008.

Database 3: Data on annual protest participation in East and West Germany (2002-2015)


The dataset was constituted using the German results of seven rounds of the European Social Survey (ESS, 2015). The pooled ESS datafile has a sample of 20,490 respondents from 2002 to 2015.



The existing data was imported in tabular format (.dta, .csv, or .xls). The three databases are currently saved as Stata datafiles (.dta).

Generated data


New variables were generated by transforming the existing data. A new indicator of protest experience at the individual-level was produced through an item response model. Also, a measure of political socialization context was generated by crossing the historical data at the country-level with respondents’ year of birth.



Angaben zur einheitlichen Regelung zur Datenverwaltung innerhalb des Projektes (z.B. bezüglich Dateispeicherung, Dateibenennung, Synchronisation, Versionierung und kollaborativen Arbeiten)

No specific rules apply. The harmonized data is managed independently by the author of the project.

Administrative und rechtliche Aspekte


Urheberrecht und Lizenzen


Angabe zur Herkunft erstellter Daten, ggf. daran geltenden Rechten und ihre Lizensierung

The terms of use of the existing datasets can be summarized as follows (but see references for more details):

Data Copyright No restriction for non-profit purposes Citation necessary Right to distribute Deposit requirement
WVS[1] restricted yes yes no yes
EVS[2] restricted yes yes no yes
ESS[3] restricted yes yes no (?) yes
Polity-IV[4] restricted yes (?) yes no (?)
Varieties of Democracy[5] restricted yes (?) yes no (?) (?)
World Bank[6] Mostly open yes yes yes no

Weitere Rechtliche Anforderungen


Weitere rechtliche Vorschriften und Vorgaben von beteiligten Institutionen (z.B. Policies für Lizensierung, Datenaufnahme in Repository, Selektion der Daten...)

Does not apply.

Zugriff und Nutzung


Definition der Zielgruppen und Zugriffsrechte, sowie Festlegung der Implementierung von Nutzungseinschränkungen (sowohl technisch als auch organisatorisch)

For target groups and access rights, see existing databases' terms of use. The three databases are stored on the author's computer for the duration of his Ph.D.



Sicherstellung des Datenschutzes sensitiver und persönlicher Daten sowie die Berücksichtigung der Verpflichtungen gegenüber Dritten

The WVS, EVS, and ESS together with their partner institutions have anonymzed the individual-level survey data.

Datensicherung und Backups


Angaben zu Datensicherheit und Backup-Strategie

No back-up strategy has been developed yet.

Archivierung, Datenaustausch und Datenpublikation


Welche Daten werden importiert, getauscht, veröffentlicht, archiviert? Wie wird der Datenaustausch technisch und organisatorisch umgesetzt?

As this project is based on publicly-available, yet copyright protected data, the archivation strategy will be centered around the publication on public repositories of scripts allowing for the replication of the harmonization procedure.

Verantwortlichkeiten und Pflichten


Wie sind die Verantwortlichkeiten für das Datenmanagement innerhalb des Projekts festgelegt und verteilt?

Data management is entirely done by the author of the project.

Kosten und Ressourcen


Angaben zu Kosten und Personalaufwand für die Einhaltung des Datenmanagementplans (Betrieb, Erfassung, Archivierung...)

Does not apply.


  1. World Values Survey. “Integrated EVS/WVS 1981-2008 Conditions of Use.” http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSContents.jsp?CMSID=intconduse (accessed October 10, 2017).
  2. World Values Survey. “Integrated EVS/WVS 1981-2008 Conditions of Use.” http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSContents.jsp?CMSID=intconduse (accessed October 10, 2017).
  3. European Social Survey. “European Social Survey (ESS) - Conditions of use.” http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/data/conditions_of_use.html (accessed October 10, 2017).
  4. Center for Systemic Peace. "INSCR Data Page." http://www.systemicpeace.org/inscrdata.html (accessed October 10, 2017).
  5. Varieties of Democracy. "Version 7.1 (July 2017)." https://www.v-dem.net/en/reference/version-7-1-july-2017/ (accessed October 10, 2017).
  6. World Bank. "Summary Terms of Use." https://data.worldbank.org/summary-terms-of-use (accessed October 10, 2017).