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VO Sharing is daring: Open Science approaches to Digital Humanities

Aus Wikiversity

lecture at the University of Vienna, Summer Semester 2020 u:find register

on Mondays, beginning on March 2, 2020, 16:45-18:15 (University of Vienna, main building, Hörsaal 41, 1st floor, staircase 8)

From March 16, 2020, this course is taught virtually. For details, see below.

070265 VO Sharing is daring: Open Science approaches to Digital Humanities




Dr. Vanessa Hannesschläger



Aims, contents and method of the course


The course gives an introduction to the Open Science movement and its applications in digital humanities subjects. Students are introduced to different definitions of Open Science, the motivations of the Open Science movement and the European Open Science landscape. The main focus is on Open Science tools that are applicable in students’ and researchers’ daily routines. These tools enable users to find openly available resources as well as to share their own research. Participants will have the opportunity to test these tools and to receive support in using them in the course of the semester.

Assessment and permitted materials


Assessment will be by written examination at the end of the course covering the content of the lectures and the tested tools.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria


Minimum passing grade for the exam is 51%. Key readings for the lecture topics and Open Science tools to be tested by the students will be provided each week in the Wikiversity course, on which the examination will be based.

Examination topics


Content of the lectures and the tested Open Science tools.

Reading list


The reading list and tools to be tested will be provided in this Wikiversity course.

Virtual teaching / home learning


Due to the COVID-19 situation, we are in a position that allows us to experience the benefits of Open Science first hand: As we can neither see each other in person nor access the library or the university network via which we have access to the library online resources, we depend on learning from content that is openly and freely available on the internet. Luckily for us, there is a lot of such content which we are going to get to know in the course of this semester.

Starting Monday, 16 March 2020, this course is taught virtually. The course script and links to further training material such as videos and online tools are made available on this Wikiversity page. The finalized version of each session is available the Friday before the date when the session was originally supposed to take place (at the latest). Please study the content independently. At the planned date of the session, you have the opportunity to meet the teacher in a virtual Zoom space (c.t., so: from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.) to discuss any questions you might have or issues that might arise. The link to the "Zoom space of the week" is available on the Wikiversity page of each session.

To participate, please download and install the Zoom client (free) on your computer.

Exam for this course in the times of Corona


As you are probably expecting, we will not be able to have a regular sitting exam at the end of this course in order to establish your grade. Therefore, you will be offered the possibility to participate in a "Take Home Exam" (see EXAM). This will be a digital written essay-style exam in open book format, i.e. you will submit essay-style answers to exam question(s) for which you will be allowed to use external resources. The exam question(s) will be made available to you on various digital channels (on this Wikiversity page, via e-mail, on Moodle). Your exam will have to be submitted via Moodle. The exam question(s) will be published a week ahead of the original exam date (i.e. on Mon, June 22, 2020), the deadline for submitting your exam will be the original exam date (Mon, June 29, 2020, 6.15 p.m. CET). If you would like to start preparing for the exam ahead of time, you are strongly encouraged to read the lesson scripts and complete the included tasks, both of which are provided in this Wikiversity course, regularly.

Semester overview (SS2020)
