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Projekt:UNLOCK Citizen Science City

Aus Wikiversity
Citizen Science City

UNLOCK abstract + project page


Jens Bemme, Lorna Schütte, Support: Ina Blümel und Lambert Heller


Applyed, May 31st 2021; rejected (June 3rd)

Open Citizen Science City – a big picture of participatory research, education and citizenship


Citizen Science is an emerging field of work. Still it faces a lack of political appreciation beyond token gestures especially in local contexts. As the educational system and science policies in Germany are mainly local and regional maintained Citizen Science lacks substantial funding and ressources. Data itself becomes a playing field of citizens. It becomes a cristallization point of an understanding of local places, that is deeper and at the same time more engaging than just data collections separated and kept in silos. This is our own, still early but growing experience of citizens science city. We want to tell others about this experience in new ways.

We start our #CitizenSciComm sprint for Citizen Science Cities. Do such cities already exist? Where? To adress the potential of Citizen Science Cities we will search in particular for aspects of Digitale Heimatforschung in projects of Coding da Vinci hackathons to highlight and analyse them as citizen science and citizen data use cases. In our project we show cases, narratives and concepts for digital tools to adress challenges decribed above for local contexts of our german and beyond for european #CitizenSciComm perspectives. We adress public science based administration in city halls, public research and educational institutions and their communication staff to tackle urban Citizen Science as an own challenge to succeed in SciComm issues.

Graphic recordings

Big Ben, Wikipedia 20 symbol
Citizen Science City


Markus Färber, Philipp Schrögel, Christian Humm: Exklusionsfaktoren Wissenschaftskommunikation, Wimmelbild, ITZ/KIT Karlsruhe, 2020